Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Changes in the World of Teaching

As with most professions, change is inevitable. . . it is good. . . but sometimes difficult. There are questions, statements, naysayers, and antagonists. With change comes confusion, apprehension, excitement, and enthusiasm. While teachers delve into the new Common Core standards, I am hoping to blog about changes and how teachers can move into this new time with excitement, exploring the neat resources that are available to them.

I have to admit I'm more of a resource finder than a maker. I try to search for items before I create them, for the simple sense that it does no good to spend time on creating something that is already easily accessible. However, teachers and creators need the utmost credit and appreciation for their work, especially when they are so generous to share it. I will be providing links and resources throughout this semster and will try my best to give credit where credit is due.

Today, I would suggest checking out the new ELA Common Core Standards. As a reading specialist, those are the standards I have focused on the most, whereas my current audience does have a stronger foothold on the new math standards, so reading is where I will focus.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Instructional Coaching. . . The beginning of Blog Posts

This is hopefully the beginning of some blog posts that I do to reinforce my learning about instructional coaching. I am currently at the Jim Knight Conference for Instructional Coaching and it has been a full day of GREAT information! To start with, I will like you to his blog to give you some insights and resources directly from the source: I would HIGHLY recommend reading or following his blog as a professional resource.

I think sometimes teachers view coaches from a fearful perspective, but we are trying to overcome that negative vibe and show that we are actually very helpful in many aspects of teacher and school development.

So, check out Jim Knight's blog! Its a great one! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Teachers Pay Teachers

Have you ever thought, "Why in the world am I making this? Don't you think someone might have already made this?" Well, you may save yourself a LOT of time by checking out TeachersPayTeachers. I don't actually sell items on there, but they do have a plethora of FREE items and downloads. (Just make sure to thank the kind teachers that you borrow from.) You know what they say: Time is Money- well if you are a creative individual and want to support your teaching addiction, think about putting some of your items up for payment.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Winding Down

As we wind down the school year, it is such a bittersweet time. I'm thrilled to get to spend some catch-up time with my family. I also have started to realize how short summer-time is with how full it is getting with sports, swimming, and conferences/work. What types of activities do you do in the summer with your kids to keep them active and learning?

Here is a neat LiveBinder that has a Virtual Summer Camp. I have REALLY enjoyed Twitter and the resources shared on there. Please make sure to check out the links I've posted there also. I try to post there more often than here. Soon, though I'll get caught up on this blog. Happy end of the year! :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Website- First Grade

I came upon this website from some of my "friends" on Twitter. I have to say, it is very appealing, informative and useful. I hope she'll continue to update and share what she's doing in the classroom. It is a motivation and inspiration.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Website Wednesday- Twitter

I just started using Twitter more lately as a professional development tool. I have found some very thoughtful insights from other educators as well as some great links for teacher tools and resources. On the right hand side of this blog, you can follow me on Twitter, even if you don't join! I try to post things that I think would be most useful to myself and those around me that follow. If you haven't given Twitter a try, I would highly recommend it! Just in the week that I've tried using it more, I have loved it.  

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Professional Development

Today, I presented at our building professional development. I am so privelged to work with amazing, talented coworkers. I presented about some conferences that I've been to as well as the technology that I've been using to enhance my professional career. I am getting better at Twitter (see side bar) and am hoping to continue working on this site more. Thanks for hanging with me while I took a break. I'd love your comments, opinions, and sharing of what you are doing as an educator. Here is the link to my presentation today. I've been so fortunate to attend the conferences and learn with an open mind. The presenters were great.

Here is the link to the CPSI conference summaries.