When we look at the year we have with our students, we can put together the moments that we’ll have them. Subtract hours for assemblies, programs, or school-wide presentations. Then, subtract the hours that they will spend outside our room for important academics such as PE, Music, Art, or other curricula areas. The minutes start dwindling down as we soon realize how short of time we have with these students in one full school year. Our goal or motto must be to make every moment count. Some of the children in our class come from excellent teachers in their previous years. Some may not. Some children come from extravagant backgrounds and environments while some have been impoverished and lack experiences. We must do everything we can to work hard to make every moment count for our students. Ask ourselves difficult questions. Expect high outcomes from our teaching and better ourselves through professional development.
Ultimately we need to build connections with our students as human beings. We are the same, we all matter, and we all are growing learners. Teachers need to be picky about what they spend their time on with their students and the resources that they present to them. We must find ways to save time and put our energy into the things that matter most. Although it may be hard for some teachers and almost unbelievable for some students- teacher must have a life outside of the classroom. As with anything we do IN the classroom, we also must be balanced in our lives.
Some questions to ponder about this chapter:
• Am I making the best use of my students’ time?
• Where do I expend most of my energy?
• How do my students feel in my classroom?
• Do I have a balanced home and work life?
I love that she points out that we need a balanced home and work life. So many teachers I know don't have that. They spend hours after school and don't go home until late. However, I wonder what they actually accomplish that is of real importance. If it will actually make a difference in their students learning ability.